Take Action Now!
Here are steps you can take to help the effort to Restore the Seaview Sign.
1. See our Facebook page for frequent updates.
2. Keep updated on the Seaview Sign project. Sign up for email updates.
3. Donate! We need $8,000 more to finish the project and create a maintenance fund.
4. Tell your friends, family and neighbors about SHiPS and the Seaview Sign campaign. Ask them to support by joining SHiPS and donating to the Sign fund.
5. The project cost is $32,500. We received a grant for $18,000 and need another $8,000 to complete the project!
Remember, all donations to the Sign effort are tax-deductible. You will receive a receipt for IRS purposes.
6. Share the website and Facebook page. Spread the word!
7. Volunteers are needed to help maintain the green belt near the Sign. Can you help? We also need volunteers to help onsite during installation the last weeks of September 2018. Email seaviewhistorical@gmail.com.
Seaview Sign Updates
Sept. 19
Ok, someone STOLE the Seaview Sign road closure notice signs. Really? Now the county has to replace. This is why we can't have nice things.. and costs go up and up!
Construction will begin the week of Sept. 24, 2018!
Donnie’s Signs working on the new sign.
September 12, 2018
It’s been awhile since we updated. There has been a lot of behind the scenes activity going on as we revised the design plans a few times, received permits, coordinated with various local agencies and searched for contractors.
We successfully received a generous grant from the Templin Foundation for $18,000. We have received individual donations bringing the total needed to $8,000. Any excess funds will go into an endowed fund account with purpose of maintaining the Seaview Sign for the future.
We are now at the final stage and moving forward with installation. We are confident the community will help bring us across the finish line with needed funds. We did not want to wait another year for the perfect window of low rainfall, low water table and few tourists on the approach road.
As mentioned, please see our Facebook page for frequent photos, video and updates as we install the new sign!
We are in need of volunteers to help us cut back the greenbelt around the sign… in the spring we will be freshening the area with new plantings.
If you can help during installation with keeping the area safe - helping notify traffic and pedestrians - we could use your help too!
Thank you for your support and patience. This has been a challenging project and we are so very excited it is almost finished!
As we have dates of the pole installation - during the week of Sept 17th and the beam installation - during the week of Sept 24 (weather permitting) we will keep you posted.
Aug. 28, 2017 (This is a long update!)
1. We have a Project Manager on board! John Ramage, of Seaview, has graciously stepped up to volunteer his 43 years of experience in the engineering, design and construction - the majority with CH2M Hill. He has managed projects internationally. John is wonderful and because of him the sign replacement is humming along. I am not an engineer - so my update is in layman terms.
2. On April 25, John and I participated in a workshop with the Pacific County Commissioners and Mike Collins of Public Works. They agreed to the plan we proposed and have been very helpful.
3. However, it is up to Seaview to fundraise and execute the plan. (with approval of county and various agencies)
4. We are in the conceptual stage. That means while John is working with an architect (David Jensen - whose grandparents actually owned property very close to the sign- long ago), public works, and a well known design engineer in Oregon (who has experience with similar projects), doing site visits, surveying, looking at fabrication, materials, getting the technical specs worked out, etc….. Nansen has been busy renewing the SHiPS (Seaview Historical Preservation Society) 501c3 with IRS and WA State, set up a fund with the South Pacific Community Foundation, secured a website and seaviewsign.com, researched grants (possible matching funds), spoken to groups about the history of Seaview Sign and the effort to replace it (nice powerpoint), and keeping all the balls in the air… we are ready to move forward.
5. Here are the stages for the replacement of the Seaview Sign:
6. We will be ready to move on to the Design stage soon (we will ask for input from SHiPS members - stay tuned). We are almost finished researching preliminary design, fabrication, installation and the rest of a very long list of what is going to need to be done. (including fundraising)
7. One item is the new span must be wider for safety regulations… that means it will be in the middle of the sidewalk. We are weighing options about what it means for increased costs for road work and surrounding landscape. The sign will be out of a metal product (but can be painted or clad to change the appearance)
8. As mentioned in earlier updates… we are targeting $30K for the sign effort. We hope it will come in lower.. and John is researching options that meet regulations, safety and affordability.
9. For the first stage - were we are at - John and I (and Brett) have been fronting $$ costs… but now it is time to get some funds in to take it to the next level. We need $3,000 for initial costs, that include costs for design engineer, expert consultation, initial design and minimal fundraising materials. Every dime is tax deductible and will be used for replacement of the Seaview Sign. SHiPS (the 501c3) will keep the full accounting, budget and financials. No one is making any money here.. and many are volunteering. Rest assured…. your donation will be used prudently and wisely.
10. Once we have the initial design concepts worked out and a better timeline, we will start the big fundraising push… and ask everyone to help! We have a bit of money to raise, but I know we can do it. The interest and desire of everyone to replace the sign is great. We will hit this stage quickly. The Seaview Sign can be replaced sooner than anyone thought.
11. oh! I forgot to mention one very cool thing. John is speaking with the welding fabrication program at Clatsop Community College.. and we are hopeful they will be able to do some of the work!
12. I should also mention.. the sign replacement is also about the footings and what goes into the ground. Don’t worry - John is all over that. He is working with Public Works on specs because the County has said they will help with getting it installed.
13. Maintenance. An important part of the sign replacement is future maintenance. John is working on a design plan that involves minimal need for maintenance.. but there will be some. To solve this problem, we will be endowing a fund for needed inspections and maintenance. (The county loved this part.) The previous sign only lasted 16 years - we know our efforts will endure into the next generations.
A word about SHiPS - Seaview Historical Preservation Society - a 501c3 - which is a historical society in Seaview. Our last meetings were about 8 yrs ago. After renewing the nonprofit and charitable donation status.. we are back! SHiPS is the entity taking on the sign effort.
So - please let your friends, family and associates know the sign will be replaced and the need to raise funds.
We are asking if you could help with the seed money needed. Make checks out to SHiPS. Send to SHiPS, PO Box 356, Seaview, WA 98644.
We will have the ability to take credit cards, but for now we are asking for checks, please. Once we have the link for online donations - we will send it out.
Thank you!
Nansen Malin
Send us your Seaview Sign Photos!